"Lost River"
Close up of the "Lost River"As usual, you may click on the photographs to enlarge for better viewing.
Elisabeth and I have a more of less standing joke about "Slide Shows" when someone goes somewhere or on a vacation and comes back and does the "Let me show you some slides from our vacation" bit..the obligatory sit and watch a boring slide show...well I have been posting photographs from our trip to Pa. only in hopes of sharing the beauty's of Nature with you and really didn't mean to bore you with a "Slide Show".
Now here I am posting more photographs...but I am going to try to not post any more ...but I am NOT going to promise you that I won't do it again...lol.
The first Photograph is of a place along the Trail at Natural Bridge..called "Lost River"..it says someone heard a river flowing underground and blasted away some rocks and out came a flowing torrent of water from an Underground River flowing across the trail...story goes they have tried to find the source of this river but without success.
This photograph is of a "Saltpeter Mine" no longer in use..story goes it was mined during the Civil War to make gunpowder with and then mined for Bat Guenna(bat droppings used for fertilizer) which they say is no longer mined there as most of the Bats have vacated the area.
A very cute Squirrel that decided to cross the path just ahead of me...almost as curious about me as I was about him..showing no fear of me because I meant no harm to him.
One of several birdhouses posted along the trail for birds, but it seems either wood peckers or squirrels have been doing some remodeling on them.
This is a very unusual "Root Ball" I saw along the trail....my brain racing...imagining what could be carved from it and how wonderful looking it would be....also not wanting to disturb it...so others could see it.