Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Fall Sunrise

Today's post is of some of our beautiful Fall scenes here in the NC Mountains. I probably should save these photographs for a Sky Watch Friday presentation, but I could not wait to share with you.

The First photograph is of the Sunrise early one morning, followed by a shot of just the sky only moments later.

First sunrise shot in the morning

Moments later in the same area of the sky

Afternoon sky and scenery in the North West

Evening sky in the North

Late afternoon sky in the South.

Click on any of the photographs for a closer view.


~Cheryl said...

Fantastic! I love the northern sky with the heart shape in the center! Gorgeous fall colors! Those homes on the hill will have some raking to do pretty soon. Thanks for sharing Now instead of Later. :)

Elisabeth said...

Oh yes...lovely mornings! ^5