Today I am posting some photographs that I took yesterday while sitting on our front porch,
come with me on our adventure into the wonderful world our Creator has made for us to enjoy.
The first photograph, just to peak your interest, is of the first Male Gold Finch of this season.
Click on any photograph to enlarge for a better view.
A White Crowned Sparrow
I take several photos to get the different expressions they display.
A Male House Finch
Male House Finch again, don't you just love the expressions on their faces?
He is just as curious about me as I am of Him.
A Female House Finch.
Another of the Female House Finch.
A Male and Female House Finch in the bushes.
He and She discussing the events of the day.
Male Gold Finch.
He is asking "Is Breakfast ready yet"?
Isn't He cute?
"Now if I could just find my wife, she must be shopping"
Orange Tulips in our flower bed.
More of the Orange Tulips.
Pink and Yellow tulips.
Pink Tulip with the morning dew on it.
A lovely Yellow Bloom.
Three Orange Tulips with morning dew on them.
The Flower bed at the back of the yard with Tulips Blooming.
Some of the blooms in front of the Propane Tank.
While sitting on the front porch I spotted these two horses grazing about a mile away..decided to take their photo, Just because I my 70-300VR lens...not bad from that far away.
I hope you enjoyed the tour of our World here and the wonders Creator has provided for our viewing pleasure...please feel free to leave a comment below..that way I know you are looking.