Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ventriloquist Figures

Meet the newest member of our family, Her name is Emma, a Ventriloquist Figure.

My Lady Elisabeth, decided she needed a friend for the Male figure she had purchased some time ago, His name is Jesse, so she had a Female Figure made for her that she calls Emma.

The whole plan started out as something she and even I could do to entertain some of the elderly people in retirement homes in the area.

Elisabeth has been developing a routine, along with a voice for the figures.

Both figures are 40 inch figures and are so cute, with crossing eyes,winking , and blinking eyes as well as moving side to side, and of course mouth movement.

Elisabeth has dressed them up in cute outfits to match their personalities.

Click on the image if you wish for a larger view.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Neat shot Bob...obviously Jesse is in shock...LOL! Will take him some time to adjust. :-)