I have finally finished all the beading on the handle of the Turtle Shell Rattle and have now attached the Turtle Shell to the handle to complete it.
I used some Traditional items in the closed shell to make it rattle, this consisted of Red Indian Corn, that I had grown some years ago and saved.
The Shell is attached to the handle in a somewhat different way than the norm as I drilled through the shell and handle and then inserted two 3/16" wood dowels to make a firm attachment as I didn't want to cover anymore of the beautiful shell than I had to with the normal way of attaching a shell with rawhide strips.
The Handle consists of 8 1/2 " of beading, with 12 strips of white deer hide trailers attached.
I finished the beading in the last few days while re cooperating by working only about two hours at a time and then coming in to rest a few hours and then going back to it again till today when I
As usual you should be able to click on each photograph to enlarge it for a better view.
I hope to be back to a somewhat resemblance to Normal soon, but it will take time for the Heart to gain strength again and allow me to resume my activitys.
Thank all of you who stopped by and wished me well and those of you who Emailed me wishing healing.